Season 4 Rewatch | Game of Thrones

Purple Wedding, Mountain vs. The Viper, Watchers on the Wall…Chris and Matt discuss it all and more in another Game of Thrones season recap. Listen and get caught up in time the Season 8 premiere, to remember all the events that took place during this epic season. The hosts recap events by location, discuss the most important scenes, and crown their MVC (Most Valuable Character).

Season 3 Rewatch | Game of Thrones

With just a few short weeks until the Game of Thrones Season 8 premiere, get an efficient and entertaining refresher of the events that transpired way back in Season 3, and how they could impact what is to come in the final season. Join Matt and Chris as they talk fallout from the Battle of Blackwater Bay, Hodor yelling into a well, Jon getting kissed by fire, and of course, the Red Wedding.

Season 2 Rewatch | Game of Thrones

Chris and Matt continue their epic rewatch in the race to Season 8, with only five weeks to go before the final season premieres! Our hosts talk smoke babies, Qarth, wildfire, whether or not Melisandre’s red dresses clash with her hair, and all the other vital topics from Season 2. Listen along to refresh your memory about all the important happenings from what seems like an eternity ago in the Game of Thrones world.

Season 1 Rewatch | Game of Thrones

Join Matt and Chris as they shake off the rust after a long hiatus to rewatch and recap Game of Thrones Season 1. This podcast is perfect prep for all the diehard GoT fans out there as you prepare for the final season. Whether you are rewatching every episode, or just trying to refresh your memory going into the Season 8 premiere, we think you’ll find this pod helpful and entertaining. Our fearless hosts quickly recap by location the events that take place, talk about their favorite scenes and quotes, crown their MVC (most valuable character), and stick the “Pointy End” into the episode with their final thoughts on the season.

S7E7 “The Dragon and the Wolf” | Game of Thrones

A GOT season is not truly over until the last pod. Chris and Matt say goodbye to another season, recapping what is sure to go down as one of the best finales in the series. They ask some important questions, make a few bold predictions, and go down the rabbit hole to discuss one of the biggest conspiracy theories!

S7E2 “Stormborn” | Game of Thrones

Sam becomes a surgeon, Arya finds a new wolfpack, Hotpie discusses the nuances of baking, and Theon channels his inner Reek. Also Lady Olenna drops some knowledge on the homecoming queen. Join Matt and Chris as they discuss all the action and struggle to accurately quote lines from another exciting Season 7 episode.